Cavities affect people of all ages. While many believe cavities are only associated with children and sugar, it is actually adults who should be just as concerned about their oral hygiene routine and cavities. One does not outgrow tooth decay and cavities. As the dentist Polaris families trust for their cosmetic dentistry and oral hygiene needs, look to our team to help you keep a healthy mouth, free of disease and decay.
(more…)The Dental Group at Polaris Blog
Promote Proper Oral Hygiene Routines
March 21, 2019
Cosmetic Dentistry and Invisalign
February 28, 2019
If you are looking for a way to improve your smile, cosmetic dentistry procedures by our Polaris dentist are great places to start. Our services are intended to get you back the smile you had. Whether you need a dental implant to replace a missing tooth, or a crown to restore a tooth back to its previous condition, we have your back. As the dentist Polaris residents trust for their smiles and Invisalign treatment plans, you can be confident your smile will be at its best. Our expertise and attention to detail ensures your smile with retain its brilliant appearance. Invisalign services are great way to enhance your smile.
(more…)Dental Implants and Dentures
January 29, 2019
If you find yourself daydreaming about the way your smile looked decades ago, it may be time for a new smile. As the dentist Polaris community members choose for their cosmetic dentistry and smile restoration needs, you can be confident that you can have the smile you dream about. Each mouth is unique and our Polaris dentist works with you to achieve your desired results. Depending on your needs, dentures may be right for you.
(more…)The Horrors of Halloween Hygiene
November 30, 2018
Let’s face it, without proper oral hygiene and dental exams, your mouth could easily take after the smiles adorning the glowing jack-o-lanterns this month. So what better time to discuss hygiene and health for your oral cavity? And as a bonus, it’s National Dental Hygiene Month! Our Polaris dentist and staff love this time of year. We enjoy discussing dental hygiene and adore hearing about the tricks, treats, and costumes that roam the streets every year. However, candy and smiles don’t always go hand in hand.
(more…)Save your Smile: Quit Smoking
As a dentist Polaris patients visit for their family and cosmetic dentistry needs, would it also surprise you to learn that we are overly concerned about your overall health needs as well? We hope it doesn’t come as a surprise. In fact, recently our Polaris dentist staff was discussing the Great American Smoke-out Day and wondered how we could help people quit smoking. If you missed the big day and are a regular smoker, have no fear. We propose you create your own quit day and challenge yourself to go smoke-free for at least 24 hours.
(more…)The Importance of Dental Exams
September 26, 2018
The beginning of fall is the perfect time to get organized. We’ve had a great summer, enjoyed our vacations, and sung plenty of songs around the campfire. Yet, now it’s time to take inventory of our life. What didn’t get done over the summer? What needs to get done now before winter? Have you visited our Polaris dentist within the last 6 months? The season of fall is a great time to take stock of our needs and check off to-do lists. Whether it’s winterizing the boat or cleaning up the yard, going to the dentist, or harvesting vegetables for canning; it all needs to get done. If we haven’t seen you in a while, here are a few reasons why you should give us a call.
(more…)Oral Health: What’s your Method of Learning?
August 27, 2018
With children of all ages heading back to school this year, let’s take a moment to focus on how they learn. Every one of us has our own method of learning; one in which works best for us to retain information. Understanding how you learn may be different from how your child processes information. Additionally, one child will probably have a different learning style from the next one. Determining the best way to reach your child in order to drive home important messages is a game of trial and error, but worth the effort in the end. The oral health messages our Polaris dentist and staff offer are important, too. Below are a few ways to teach your child the importance of oral health.
(more…)Root Canal or Tooth Extraction
July 26, 2018
Nearly 100 years ago, a dentist by the name of Weston Price promoted the extraction of teeth due to an abscess or infection over a root canal procedure. Since then, his research and theory regarding tooth extraction has been widely debunked and for various reasons. As a Polaris dentist specializing in restorative dental care, let’s take a look at the myth that Dr. Weston created and why alternative options are a much safer and practical route when it comes to oral health care.
(more…)Summer, Sugar, and Sun
June 28, 2018
When summer rolls around, the request for treats increases. Of course, who can blame us? Gooey s’mores by the campfire, pop-up lemonade stands, and prevalent ice cream trucks all are signs of the season. However, these sweets, while tasty, aren’t especially great for your teeth. So, how can you and your children stay healthy while still enjoying a fun treat every once in a while? Today, our Polaris dentist and staff discuss ways in which you can treat yourself while preventing unwanted cavities.
(more…)Mouthguards for Football and More
May 24, 2018
It’s common knowledge that a mouthguard has become more widely accepted in football and sports than ever before. Ongoing research in regards to player safety while on the court or field is uncovering data that mouthguards reduce the risk of concussions; a frequently debated topic today. Our Polaris dentist recommends wearing a mouthguard for any sport that involves the potential of collisions or impacts, and many heed our advice. However, it’s how you care for your mouthguard when not in use that is just as important as wearing one.
How dirty is your Mouthguard?
We watch professionals on television or in stadiums and arenas remove their mouthguard in between plays or on the bench. Some tuck it into a pocket, others admit to tucking it behind an ear or in their waistbands. A person may not think much about it; the mouthguard was in your mouth and is touching your body, not other people. However, let’s think about this. You just played with 5 to 21 or more people where you may have touched them, encountered their sweat and spit, or dropped your mouthguard on the floor. Now you take those dirty hands and remove your mouthguard. That transfer introduces additional germs and bodily fluids to a piece of plastic that you put in your mouth. You might as well just lick the other players.
Keep your Head in the Game
It’s not all bad. Luckily there are a variety of options that allow you to keep your mouthguard clean. Put it in a case when not in use, or ask the team manager or your Polaris dentist for solutions. Keep your mouthguard in your mouth rather than removing it. Carry toothpaste and a toothbrush in your gym bag and clean it after ever use and before putting it in its case. Germs are a part of life, and essentially help build stronger immune systems. Yet, the cleaner you can keep your mouthguard, the healthier your gums and teeth and overall body health will be. Establish a routine to preserve your mouthguard and consider disposing of the mouthguard every 2 to 4 weeks.
Your Mouth is a Breeding Ground for Bacteria
Bacteria thrive in warm, moist places. The bacteria introduced into your oral cavity if not properly cleaned, can lead to illness as that bacteria grows and travels to your blood stream. A mouthguard protects your mouth, teeth, gums, and tongue and reduces the risk of dangerous concussions. It is a necessary item of sports equipment to ensure a player’s safety. Just take a couple extra minutes to properly clean it and talk with our Polaris dentist and staff about the best way to store and clean a mouthguard at your next dental appointment.
Sports are great at any age for team building, health, and wellness. With proper safety knowledge and the right equipment, you lessen the chances of injuries to your body as well as your mouth. Set the trend for your teammates by wearing and properly storing your mouthguard and play your best without the hassle of wondering what you just put into your mouth.
For more topics on maintaining a healthy mouth follow us on Facebook or talk with us during your next dental exam. We can suggest the right mouthguard for you or discuss our custom-fit mouthguards and their benefits.